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In New Zealand, there are several government programs and financial support options available to people with disabilities.

You may need to undergo a Needs Assessment through a Needs Assessment and Service Coordination service (NASC) and require referrals from Specialists and Occupational Therapists.

This support and funding is available through a number of different agencies and is dependent on the type of disability and the assistance required. These agencies include:

  • ACC
  • Work & Income
  • MSD (Ministry of Social Development) and the Disability Support Services
  • Veterans Affairs

Scroll down to find the information that best suits your situation.

Needs Assessments for Government Funded support (NASC)

Needs Assessments for Government Funded support (NASC)

To gain government funded support, you may first need to be assessed to help identify what support you need. This is done through a NASC (a Needs Assessment & Service Coordination Service).

The primary role of a NASC is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of a person's disability-related needs and make recommendations for appropriate services and support.

If you are eligible for government support, the NASC will coordinate the support you need.

For more information on NASC’s click here.

Benefits & Allowances

Benefits & Allowances

If you are unable to work either full time or part time because of injury, illness or impairment, you may be eligible for financial assistance. There are various types of financial support available for people with disabilities or impairments. Some of the most common forms of financial support are:

  • Disability Allowance
  • Supported Living Payment
  • Child Disability Allowance 
  • Residential Care Subsidy 
  • Special Needs Grants

Follow the links below for more information.

Allowances & Benefits from Work & Income

Getting Payments from ACC if you are injured

Financial support for NZ Defence Force personnel

Individualised Funding

Individualised funding (IF) is a funding approach to provide people with disabilities more choice and control over the services and support they receive. 

Under IF, people with disabilities are allocated a certain amount of funding, which they can use to purchase the disability-related services and support they need, such as personal care, respite care, equipment, and modifications.

IF is a more person-centred approach to disability support, allowing individuals to tailor their support to their unique needs and preferences in keeping with the Enabling Good Lives (EGL) principles.

Click here for more information on Individualised Funding

Disability Equipment

Disability Equipment

It is possible to get financial support for disability equipment and modifications through the Equipment and Modification Services (EMS) program.

To access this funding, you must first go through a needs assessment conducted by a NASC (Needs Assessment and Service Coordination) or a healthcare professional, who will determine your eligibility for funding based on your disability-related needs. 

If you are eligible, the NASC will refer you to an EMS assessor who will work with you to determine the most appropriate equipment and modifications to meet your needs.

Find out how to get funding

Grants & Scholarships

There are many organisations in New Zealand that make grants or award scholarships to disabled children, young people, and adults to pay for things like equipment, education, and activities that increase your independence.

Click here to find out about grants, awards, scholarships, and fundraising options you might be eligible for.

Click here to learn about the Lottery Grant for Individuals with Disabilities  (including vehicle modification and help with equipment purchases. The Independent Living store teams are happy to help you with funding and grant applications. Just visit them in store or call 0800 625 100

Deaf or Hearing Loss

Deaf or Hearing Loss

If you are deaf or have hearing loss, you may be eligible for government funding for hearing aids and other hearing-related services in New Zealand. 

The Ministry of Health provides funding for hearing aids and other hearing devices, as well as diagnostic assessments, hearing therapy, and cochlear implant services.

To access this funding, you will need to go through a needs assessment conducted by a hearing therapist or an audiologist.

Click here for more information on funding for hearing loss.

Blindness or Visual Impairment

Blindness or Visual Impairment

If you are blind or visually impaired, you may be eligible for government funding for a range of services and support including eye exams, low vision aids, and orientation and mobility services.

The Ministry of Health provides funding for a range of low vision aids, such as magnifiers, reading glasses, and other devices that can help you see better. They also provide funding for orientation and mobility services, which can help you learn how to navigate your environment safely and independently.

To access this funding, you will need to go through a needs assessment conducted by a vision rehabilitation specialist, who will determine your eligibility for funding based on your individual needs and the impact of your vision loss on your daily life.

For more information on funding for blindness or visual impairment click here

Live-in Care or Support

There is funding available for live-in care or support for individuals with disabilities. The type and amount of funding will depend on your specific situation, including your disability, your needs, and your financial situation.

As with most funding, to access these services, you will need to complete an assessment with a Needs Assessment and Service Coordination (NASC) agency. The NASC agency will assess your needs and determine what support you require, including whether live-in support is appropriate.

Click here for further information regarding Live-in Care or Support.

Help at Home

Help at Home

Depending on your situation, either ACC, MSD and Disability Support Services, or Veterans’ Affairs may pay for home and community support services for you.

There are different types of support services are available:

  • Personal care: Help to get out of bed, use the shower and toilet, get dressed, manage your medication or health care, or do rehabilitation exercises.
  • Equipment: To help you get around, do daily tasks, or stay safe.
  • Household support: Cleaning, laundry, shopping, meal preparation.
  • Special therapies: Physiotherapy, social worker support.
  • Carer support: Help for someone who lives with you or looks after you.
  • Respite care: To give your usual carer a break.

Click here for more information on funding home-help.

Modifications to your Home

Modifications to your Home

There are several funding options available to help you with the costs of modifying your home.

Home modifications include things like:

  • handrails by steps, shower or toilet
  • wheelchair ramps or lifts
  • secure fencing, doors and windows for safety of children with challenging behaviours
  • doorway widening
  • handheld showers or wet area bathrooms.

If your disability is injury-related ACC may help pay for changes needed to your home

If your disability isn’t injury-related, MSD – Disability Support Services funds home modifications for eligible people who need changes to their home because of a disability.

In both cases you may need an Occupational Therapist (OT) to assess your housing needs.

For more information on funding for home modifications click here.

Modifications to your Vehicle

Modifications to your Vehicle

There are several government programs that can provide financial assistance to people with disabilities who may need to modify their vehicles for easier driving. 

If your disability is injury-related ACC may provide funding if you need a modified vehicle.

MSD – Disability Support Services may fund a vehicle or vehicle modifications if you who have a long-term disability that isn’t covered by ACC.

Click here for further information on funding for vehicle modifications.

For more information on Transport related issues click here

MSD – Disability Support Services, Work and Income, ACC, and Veteran’s Affairs can help some people with travel and accommodation expenses to attend medical, specialist or rehabilitation treatments.

For more information on financial support available click here.

Head to the MSD website here.


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