Public consultations - Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19 Lessons Learned
The COVID-19 pandemic affected all of us, and New Zealanders – both here and living overseas – were asked to undertake extraordinary actions throughout its duration.
The Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19 Lessons Learned I Te Tira Ārai Urutā, is looking at what can be learned from the pandemic to ensure that Aotearoa New Zealand is as prepared as possible for future pandemics.
The Royal Commission wants to hear about your experiences or observations of the COVID-19 response, whatever they might be. By hearing from you, from families, organisations and the wider community, the Commission can help to ensure we’re as prepared as possible for the next pandemic response www.covid19Inquiry.nz.
Independent Living supports this initiative and encourages you to share your experiences with the Inquiry. If you need support with your submission, you can contact us at tony@ilsnz.org.
The Royal Commission is also leading consultation on behalf of the New Zealand
Government on their terms of reference, which lay out which topics the Commission can investigate. If you have feedback on the terms of reference, you can give your feedback at www.covid19inquiry.nz.
Links and further information (provided by The Royal Commission of
Inquiry into COVID-19)
• Make a public submission or provide feedback on the terms of reference.
• View the current terms of reference.
• NZSL information resource video
• The Inquiry can be contacted at InquiryintoCOVID-19lessons@dia.govt.nz.
• Visit our website.
• Visit the Royal Commission Facebook page.
• Visit the Royal Commission LinkedIn page.