Are you looking to learn how to use digital technology such as a computer, iPad or smart phone?/您是否想学习如何使用电子技术产品,例如计算机,平板电脑或者智能手机?
We are looking for signs of interest in a new initiative for seniors (people 65 and over) seeking help in going online and using digital technology. 我们正在寻找对线上求助和使用电子技术产品方便面感兴趣的长者或行动不便的人士(65岁及以上)。
Our courses will engage seniors throughout New Zealand in an introductory digital literacy programme. The courses provide a starting point for seniors and people with physical impairment or disability to engage on a digital journey where they can develop the confidence to use digital technologies to improve their lives. 我们的课程欢迎老年人, 残障人士加入到我们的电子技术扫盲计划,这些课程为年长者提供了一个学习的起点,使他们可以树立使用数字技术改善生活的信心。
Perhaps you want to use computers and the internet but have little or no prior experience and find the digital world somewhat confusing? We want to hear from you!您也许在使用计算机和互联网方面没有什么经验并且对数字世界感到有些困惑?我们希望收到您的来信。